Tablehurst Farm Limited

A dairy farm in East Sussex


Tablehurst Farm, London Road, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5DP, United Kingdom
This facility could not be located from the address and the map below shows an estimate. We recommend using Google if you wish to find an accurate location.




The most recent data for this facility indicates that it is operational.

First located in public domain data1 April 2019
Last located in public domain data1 May 2024


No reports exist for this facility.

Related Facilities

There are no known related facilities for this facility.


Information about this facility was obtained from the following locations.

  • Registered Dairy Establishments by Food Standards Agency (UK Government)

    A monthly dataset listing registered dairy producers in England and Wales.

    Found in datasets fromApril 2019May 2019June 2019July 2019August 2019 and

    Find out more
  • Registered Raw Drinking Milk Establishments by Food Standards Agency (UK Government)

    A monthly dataset listing registered raw dairy permises in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

    Find out more
  • Geocoding API by Google

    Addresses are obtained from coordinates provided in another dataset.

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