Karro Food Limited (T/A Malton Bacon Factory)

A pig slaughterhouse in North Yorkshire


Hugden Way, Norton Grove Industrial Estate, Malton, YO17 9HG, United Kingdom


Operated by Karro Food Limited (T/A Malton Bacon Factory)


  • Pig slaughterhouse

    Slaughterhouse › Porcine (pig) slaughterhouse


The most recent data for this facility indicates that it is operational.

First located in public domain data1 January 2018
Last located in public domain data1 May 2024


No reports exist for this facility.

Related Facilities

There are no known related facilities for this facility.


Information about this facility was obtained from the following locations.

  • Approved Food Establishments by Food Standards Agency (UK Government)

    A monthly dataset listing approved food establishments in England and Wales. This includes slaughterhouses.

    Found in datasets fromJanuary 2018February 2018March 2018April 2018May 2018 and

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